1 John - Life in the Light
“Life in the Light” – 5 Studies in 1 John
Sample Questions:
Study 4 1 John 4:1 – 6
1. How would you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is extremely gullible and 10 is intensely cynical?
2. Have you ever found yourself conned by someone else?
How did it make you feel?
In the long-run, did it matter?
3. What are some of the ideas about Jesus’ identity and mission held by people you know?
Read 1 John 4:1 – 6
4. How are John’s readers to know whether those claiming to be prophets (v 1) speak for God or not?
5. What does it mean to acknowledge “that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh”?
See Mark 5:1 – 7 for an episode that might shape your understanding.
6. How does what we’ve seen so far in 1 John about the outworking of right doctrine shape our understanding of what it means to acknowledge “that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh”?
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