Daniel Bible Study Guide - Whose God is God?
“Whose God is God?” – 7 Studies in Daniel
The message that permeates every verse of the book of Daniel is the sovereignty of the “God of heaven” over all rulers, kings, nations, circumstances and events! Nothing, no one, stands in the way of him executing His will and purpose. Therefore, his people can trust and have confidence in Him and respond in love and obedience.
What a great message for God’s people today!
This study guide was written by Stuart Hull & Clayton Fopp.
Download the complete Bible Study Guide.
Sermons from this series available here.
Sample Questions from this study guide:
Study 1
1. Can you recall a time when you were aware that you did not fit in with the people or environment around you?
2. As a child, was there a food you refused to eat?
Do you eat it now?
3. Do you know what you name means?
Have you ever wished for a different name? Why or why not?
Read 2 Chronicles 36:15 – 23
“…they did not listen to me or pay attention…”
See Isaiah 5:4; 44:26; Jeremiah 7:13,25; 11:7; 44:4 – 6; Haggai 1:13; Zechariah 1:4;
4. What events are described in this section?
Read Daniel 1
Daniel makes a clear point right from the start, asserting the sovereignty of God in all these circumstances; in verse 2
“the Lord delivered Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand” since
“without wholehearted commitment to the Lord and obedience to his will there could be no wisdom. (Job 28:28)” (Baldwin p 63) cf Colossians 1:9.
5. Do you know anything about any other Old Testament promises or events that have led to this point?
6. In what ways is the treatment of Daniel and his friends part of the Babylonian attempt to destroy the culture and religion of Judah?
7. Why do you think the four men refuse the meat and wine, but are willing to eat vegetables from the same source, and accept their new names (which are taken from the names of foreign gods)?
8. What stand are the men taking by refusing some of the food?
9. For whose benefit are they taking this stand?
10. At what points in this episode do you see the sovereignty of God at work?
11. Why were the people of Israel likely to doubt God’s sovereignty?
12. What makes it hard for us to believe that God “is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth” (Daniel 4:17)?
13. What do we lose if we lose sight of God’s sovereignty?
14. Where are the dangers if we mis-judge where to draw the line in maintaining our distinct identity as Christians?
15. What choices might we make, to maintain our distinct identity as God’s people?
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