Ephesians - First Things First
“First Things First” – 3 Studies in Ephesians 1, 3 & 5
Sample questions from this study:
Study 1. Ephesians 1:1 – 23
1. Someone mentions the word ‘church’ in a conversation. List some of the possibilities of what they could be talking about
2. What aspect of God’s work for you do you give thanks for the most?
Read Ephesians 1:1 – 23
3. What works, achievements or blessings are attributed to the different persons of the Trinity?
– Father
– Son
– Spirit
4. Can you define any of the “spiritual blessings” in your own words?
5. What do we have to do in order to take hold of these blessings of God?
6. What do you think are the differences between spiritual blessings and other kinds of blessings?
7. What do you think could help you appreciate God’s blessings more fully?
8. What stands out most clearly for you in Ephesians 1 about God’s work?
9. A friend tells you they look at the world and can’t see what, if anything, God is doing in his creation. From Ephesians 1, how would you explain God’s work in his world?
10. In verse 12, Paul speaks about living “for the praise of his glory”. What does this mean and what does it look like for us to do this in our lives?
11. In what areas of your life is this most difficult?
12. What do you think it will look like for Jesus to be “head over everything” (v 2) and with all things “under Christ” (v 10)?
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