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John 15:1 – 17 Jesus is the Vine Leave or Remain? What gets your vote? Are you all about Leave? Or Remain? Do you remember when we used to have…
Matthew 27:27 – 56 Good Friday Reflections Matthew 27:27 – 31 – A King Rejected Geoffrey Chaucer, considered by many to be the greatest English poet of the middle ages,…
Isaiah 7:1 – 17 Matthew 1:18 – 25 A Sign from God Who’s who? (v 1 – 2) We’re going to get straight into Isaiah 7 today, thinking about history.…
Isaiah 40:1 – 11 Mark 1:1 – 18 Waiting for God Good news and bad news ... “I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news, which do you want…