Bible Text: Psalm 13:1 - 6, 2 Peter 1:3 - 4 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Psalms - Songs of Praise | Psalm 13 How Long, Lord? I am…
Bible Text: Matthew 1:18 - 25 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Christmas | Matthew 1:18 – 27 A Map for Christmas Is our map missing something? Ernst Schumacher was…
Bible Text: Matthew 2:13 - 23 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Christmas | Matthew 2:13 – 23 The Great Escape The flight to Egypt This morning, we’re find ourselves…
Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Christmas | Matthew 1:1 – 17 Climbing Jesus’ Family Tree There’s nothing like a good introduction It was a bright cold day in April, and…
Bible Text: Genesis 17:1 - 27 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Genesis - Beginnings | Genesis 17:1 – 27 The God of the Covenant The God of the Covenant…
Bible Text: Jude 1 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: A Big God in Small Letters | Contending for the Faith Jude You’re at war This past June, you’ll remember,…
Bible Text: Philippians 4:10 - 20, Philippians 1:9 - 11 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: The Extravagant Promises of God | Philippians 4:10 – 20 My God will meet…
Bible Text: Romans 8:18 - 39 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: The Extravagant Promises of God | Romans 8:18 – 39 In All Things God Works for Good What…
Bible Text: James 4:1 - 13 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: The Extravagant Promises of God | James 4:1 – 10 Come Near to God and He Will Come…
Bible Text: Romans 3:28 - 4:12 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Romans - The Letter of the Gospel | Romans 4:1 – 12 Father Abraham Had Many Sons (and…