John 10:22 – 42 Son of God It’s a good time for a Messiah ... In 167 BC a Syrian king named Antiochus Epiphanes marched against the city of Jerusalem,…
John 6:16 – 40 None Lost! Don’t mistake the sign for the destination ... I had to go to Milton Keynes last week. The staff from across the Co-Mission Churches gathered…
Isaiah 7:1 – 17 Matthew 1:18 – 25 A Sign from God Who’s who? (v 1 – 2) We’re going to get straight into Isaiah 7 today, thinking about history.…
1 John 2:18 – 27 Recognising the Anti-Christ St Mary’s Cathedral, Kuala Lumpur What do they have in common? I wonder if you know that these names have in common?…
The Four Soils Luke 8:1 – 21 What will the seed do? I heard this week of someone who went into a pet store and asked for a bag of…
Luke 7:1 – 17 What Kind of Faith? Imagine you never met Jesus face to face ... You might be aware that the book of Acts in the New Testament,…
Luke 5:12 – 26 Who is Jesus? Leprosy, as we probably all know, is a pretty terrible disease. Certainly before modern antibiotics were around, it was untreatable, considered highly contagious.…
James 2:14 – 26 The Faith That Saves Lessons from Luther ... Martin Luther, as many of you will know, was a church leader in the 16th Century, who lit…
John 20:1 – 31 Imagine a World Where Death Wins Game over, dude A long time ago, we’re talking the late 80s, I used to play a computer game called…
John 2:23 – 3:16 Being Born Again I wonder if you’re familiar with the expression “DTR”? It stands not for Digital Tape Recorder or something, but “Define The Relationship.” A…