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John 6:1 – 15 Feeding 5000! Who do you think Jesus is? Well it’s only 31 days until Christmas! That is to say, it’s less than 740 hours until many…
Psalm 21 The King and I You probably think this Psalm is about you ... Do you know the Carly Simon song, “You’re so vain”? The chorus goes “You’re so…
Hebrews 4:1 – 13 Rest for the People of God The best rest? What picture comes to mind when you hear the word rest? Putting your feet up? Reading a…
Genesis 32:1 – 32 The Wrestler What good is this? There was once an elderly Jewish lady, who had 3 sons who were all very successful in business. And so…
Genesis 31:1 – 55 On the Run On the run ... Do you remember back in 2009, a New Zealand petrol station owner, went on the run, got on a…
Genesis 29:1 - 30:43 The Deceiver Deceived Welcome to where you’re supposed to be! If you’ve travelled overseas, you may have had that experience, at the end of a long…