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Philippians 3:1 – 14 Confident Accounting Accounting with different rules Last Sunday the American media reported that an accountant, formerly from Adelaide, had been found guilty of aiding and assisting…
2 Corinthians 5:11 – 21 Reconciliation Surprising Reconciliation Did you see the news this morning? Former Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, and PM Julia Gillard, have put their differences behind them…
Romans 3:1 – 31 Romans 8:1 - 8, 28 – 34 Deuteronomy 32:36 – 43 Letting the guilty go unpunished I wonder if you heard last week about Ruth Anne…
Acts 5:17 – 42 The How & Why of Evangelism Speaking about Jesus is often unpopular Last week I was looking at a website of a group of atheists, and…

What is Praise?

20th January 2013
Psalm 113 Romans 15:1 – 12 Welcome to the danger zone What we’re going to do this morning is quite dangerous!, so I hope you’ve come prepared! If you’re new…