Luke 13:10 – 21 A Taste of the Kingdom The benefits of having a big brother ... Once upon a time there were 3 goats, called the 3 Billy Goats…
Luke 11:14 – 28 Signs & Blessings Christianity is about responding appropriately to Jesus If you’ve been around with us in recent weeks you’ll know that on Wednesday evenings at…
Luke 8:22 – 56 Power and Authority The massive power of nature Some of you will have seen in the headlines last weekend that the Bulk Ore Carrier Stellar Daisy…
James 2:14 – 26 The Faith That Saves Lessons from Luther ... Martin Luther, as many of you will know, was a church leader in the 16th Century, who lit…
Luke 4:31 – 44 Jesus at Work Which miracle would you choose? I wonder if you can engage your imagination for a moment and consider, when Jesus walked the earth,…