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Luke 24:1 – 53 Easter – April Fools? Spaghetti doesn’t grow on trees ... One Monday evening in 1957, the BBC current affairs show Panorama, featured a family of farmers…
Isaiah 7:1 – 17 Matthew 1:18 – 25 A Sign from God Who’s who? (v 1 – 2) We’re going to get straight into Isaiah 7 today, thinking about history.…

Our Great High Priest

29th October 2017
Our Great High Priest Hebrews 4:14 – 5:10 Genesis 14:17 - 20 Keep going! You may have seen in the news this week, some footage from the Venice Marathon. The…
Genesis 31:1 – 55 On the Run On the run ... Do you remember back in 2009, a New Zealand petrol station owner, went on the run, got on a…
Genesis 23 & 24 The Bachelor Not quite the beginning ... This morning we come back to our teaching series in the book of Genesis, which we’ve been working through…