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Bible Text: Matthew 28:16 - 20 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Foundations | Matthew 28:18 – 20 Why on Earth would we make disciples? Is there a mistake in…
Bible Text: John 15:18 - 16:4, Psalm 69:1 - 8 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: John - Encountering the Word | John 15:18 - 16:4a Psalm 69:1 - 8…
Bible Text: Acts 5:17 - 42 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Foundations | Acts 5:17 – 42 The How & Why of Evangelism Speaking about Jesus is often unpopular…
 Acts 6:8 – 8:1 Who speaks for God? Sacred cowsIt was Mark Twain who said, rather tactlessly I thought, “Sacred cows make the best hamburgers”! To which some bright spark later added,…