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 John 21:15 – 25The Best LifeWhen you’ve let someone down, All of us, I’m sure, know the terrible feeling of having let somebody else down.Perhaps we didn’t do something that…
Marriage in Creation and COVIDGenesis 2:18 – 25Ephesians 5:21 – 33Marriage according to Twitter …You may have seen in the news this week, two death notices published on the same…
John 15:1 – 17 Jesus is the Vine Leave or Remain? What gets your vote? Are you all about Leave? Or Remain? Do you remember when we used to have…
1 Thessalonians 2:1 – 16 The Practice of Evangelism Paul’s performance review Those of you who spend your days in paid employment will be familiar with the concept of a…
Matthew 28:1 – 15 When Jesus Isn’t There When it seems that Jesus isn’t there ... It didn’t get anywhere near the attention of a local football match, let alone…