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John 15:1 – 17 Jesus is the Vine Leave or Remain? What gets your vote? Are you all about Leave? Or Remain? Do you remember when we used to have…
John 10:22 – 42 Son of God It’s a good time for a Messiah ... In 167 BC a Syrian king named Antiochus Epiphanes marched against the city of Jerusalem,…
Luke 11:14 – 28 Signs & Blessings Christianity is about responding appropriately to Jesus If you’ve been around with us in recent weeks you’ll know that on Wednesday evenings at…
Genesis 26:1 – 33 Like Father, Like Son I dug a hole ... 20 years ago this year, the movie, The Castle was released, and quickly became a classic, heading…
Genesis 23 & 24 The Bachelor Not quite the beginning ... This morning we come back to our teaching series in the book of Genesis, which we’ve been working through…