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Genesis 50:15 – 26  Joseph’s Mercy   Probably most of us have some understanding of God’s providence, or expect that God can use situations for our good,How far does that extend?Does God…
Bible Text: John 1:35 - 51, Genesis 28:10 - 22 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: John - A Better Life | John 1:35 - 51 Finding the Messiah What…
Bible Text: Psalm 21:1 - 13 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Psalms - Songs of Praise | Psalm 21 The King and I You probably think this Psalm is…
Bible Text: Daniel 7:1 - 12:13, Matthew 28:18 - 20 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Daniel - Whose God is God? | Daniel 7 – 12 A Look Forward…
Bible Text: Luke 24:1 – 53 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Easter 2018 | Luke 24:1 – 53 Easter – April Fools? Spaghetti doesn’t grow on trees ... One…
Bible Text: Isaiah 7:1 - 17 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Isaiah - Future Echoes | Isaiah 7:1 – 17 Matthew 1:18 – 25 A Sign from God Who’s…
Bible Text: Isaiah 40:1 - 11, Mark 1:1 - 18 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Isaiah - Future Echoes | Isaiah 40:1 – 11 Mark 1:1 – 18 Waiting…