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Acts 28 When in Rome ... Famous last words, Famous last words, Often someone’s last words kind of summarise their entire life, don’t they? So there’s Beethoven’s last words in…
Psalm 13 How Long, Lord? I am abandoned by God and man Voltaire, the French Enlightenment philosopher, was stridently opposed to Christianity. In some ways he was the forerunner of…

Christmas Eve 2014

24th December 2014
Matthew 1:18 – 27 A Map for Christmas Is our map missing something? Ernst Schumacher was one of the most influential economists of the 20th Century. In his book A Guide…
Acts 17:1 – 15 Being Berean A tale of two cities I’m sure that some of you, will have memories from your childhood of your parents saying to you, something…
Acts 15:36 – 16:40 Opening Doors If I were writing history, In the Trinity Network of Churches there is a retired Professor of History. And even though he’s retired, obviously…
John 9:1 – 41 Seeing is Believing Previously in John’s gospel... If you’re watching a TV show, sometimes at the beginning of the episode, there’s a voice over, “Previously, on,…