John 10:22 – 42 Son of God It’s a good time for a Messiah ... In 167 BC a Syrian king named Antiochus Epiphanes marched against the city of Jerusalem,…
1 John 2:18 – 27 Knowing the Times I wonder if you know that these names have in common? Bill Gates, George W Bush, Barack Obama, The Pope, Mikhail Gorbachev…
1 Corinthians 2:6 – 16 …Because Mount Barker Needs a Work of the Spirit We’re not good at not understanding! On the front page of the International Herald Tribune newspaper…
John 14:1 – 31 I am the Way Wouldn’t it be better? I won’t get you to do a show of hands, but I wonder how many of us have…
John 12:37 – 50 The Problem of Unbelief The problem of unbelief Why don’t my friends believe in Jesus? Why won’t the people I’m praying for on my Prayer Focus…