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 John 21:15 – 25The Best LifeWhen you’ve let someone down, All of us, I’m sure, know the terrible feeling of having let somebody else down.Perhaps we didn’t do something that…
John 1:35 - 51 Finding the Messiah What do you need to know in order to follow someone? What do you need to know about someone, in order to follow…
Luke 9:51 – 62 Count the Cost Luke writes like Luke! I was talking recently to a friend who had studied at theological college a couple of years after I…
Luke 9:18 – 36 Who is Jesus? What’s important? I’ve been having diary issues, in these last couple of weeks. I use an electronic diary on my computer and my…
Luke 5:27 – 49 It’s Party Time! The least likely ... Who is the person who you think is least likely, to ever come into a relationship with God? Just…
Luke 5:1 – 11 A Great Catch Anything you can do I can do better, I know that not everyone here works in paid employment, Some are studying, Some are…
Matthew 28:18 – 20 Why on Earth would we make disciples? Is there a mistake in the Bible? A few months ago, I discovered a mistake in Bible! A dead-set…

Knowing Christ

23rd February 2014
Philippians 3:1 – 14 Knowing Christ Trinity Church Mount Barker 4th Anniversary When do you really know someone? I’ve got 2 questions for you to think about: Firstly, What’s it like…