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Psalm 16 In God We Trust It’s true and it works Those of you who are students of our culture, keen watchers of our society, will know that in previous…
Acts 24:22 - 25:27 A Problem Prisoner Confusion and delay Your household, like mine, may have gone through a stage in which it was filled with paraphernalia from Thomas the…
1 Thessalonians 1:1 - 2:16 Why on Earth Would We Plant a New Church A change in the news The week before we launched this church, back in 2010, I…


2nd February 2014
Ephesians 2:1 – 10 Amazing Grace Friends or enemies? A man named named Hiroo Onoda passed away last month. He was 91, not a bad innings, we would say, and…

Being Born Again

13th January 2013
John 2:23 – 3:16 Being Born Again I wonder if you’re familiar with the expression “DTR”? It stands not for Digital Tape Recorder or something, but “Define The Relationship.” A…
Genesis 16:1 – 16 A False Start Famous last words! Famous last words, they can tell you a lot about somebody can’t they? Have a listen to these last words,…
 Genesis 15:1 – 21 A New Covenant It’s OK to ask questions of God God, Church & Me, is a group we run for new members here at Trinity. If…
Genesis 13:1 - 14:24 Hebrews 7:1 – 22 A warning for others? Some of you, I’m sure, are familiar with the genre of art known the “motivational poster” An inspiring…