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John 15:1 – 17 Jesus is the Vine Leave or Remain? What gets your vote? Are you all about Leave? Or Remain? Do you remember when we used to have…
Daniel 7 – 12 A Look Forward The Magpie ...  During the last month I imagine that a few of us have made our way down to see the “Colours…
Luke 9:51 – 62 Count the Cost Luke writes like Luke! I was talking recently to a friend who had studied at theological college a couple of years after I…
John 9:1 – 41 Seeing is Believing Previously in John’s gospel... If you’re watching a TV show, sometimes at the beginning of the episode, there’s a voice over, “Previously, on,…
Acts 1  Committed to Witness  Previously,  Does anyone ever find there’s never anything you want to watch on TV?You flick through, we’ve got more channels than ever now, but I just can’t find…