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Bible Text: Luke 9:51 - 62 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Luke - A Careful History | Luke 9:51 – 62 Count the Cost Luke writes like Luke! I…
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 5:11 - 21 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Foundations | 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 The Privilege of Evangelism That privilege of what??! Well I’m, really glad…
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 4:1 - 6, | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Foundations | 2 Corinthians 4:1 – 6 The Proclamation of Evangelism What is the gospel? I’ve got…
Bible Text: Isaiah 40:1 - 11, Mark 1:1 - 18 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Isaiah - Future Echoes | Isaiah 40:1 – 11 Mark 1:1 – 18 Waiting…

The True Man

8th October 2017
Bible Text: Hebrews 2:1 - 18, Psalm 8:1 - 9 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Hebrews | Hebrews 2 The True Man Seeing the signs ... Are you the…

The Last Word

1st October 2017
Bible Text: Hebrews 1:1 - 14 | Speaker: Clayton Fopp | Series: Hebrews | Hebrews 1 The Son Who Speaks A voice from beyond the grave? I wonder if you…