Why? Finding answers to 5 of life’s big questions “Why?”A series of 5 booklets for sharing with those interested in finding out more about the Christian faith.The very best way for people to find out about Jesus and Christianity is by reading the Bible, either 1:1 or on their own. Sometimes though, friends and family are not quite ready to read the Bible, especially if they’re not yet sure they can trust it. The 5 “Why?” booklets are designed as an introduction to Jesus and Christianity, and as an easy, accessible read for those who are perhaps a bit daunted at the idea of starting with the Bible.The 5 chapters are available as individual PDF downloads:Why Jesus? Why did Jesus die? Why believe in the resurrection? Why trust the Bible? Why have faith?
Lessons for New Churches – 2nd Edition Download PDF 20 Bible studies for teams preparing to plant new churches.It would seem foolish to attempt to make a definitive list of those issues of theology and practice which must be considered in the planning phase of a new church and those which can be ignored. Gathered here, however, are some of the key issues; those which should be considered before planting due to their foundational place in ministry and those which can easily distract Christians from ministry if they are over-looked. At any rate, this is one perspective on a helpful way forward.This Second Edition concludes with 3 additional studies on aspects of evangelism from 1 Corinthians, reflecting the central importance of declaring the good news of Jesus through the life of a new church.Download the PDF, view the document below, or see a sample from the booklet at the bottom…
Role Descriptions for Volunteer Leaders Having clearly communicated expectations is an important part of looking after those who serve in leadership in our churches. It’s unkind to ask people to serve in leadership without clarity about what you’re asking them to do, what others are responsible for, and how they will be supported in their ministry. Lack of clarity leads to confusion, conflict, and frustration!These documents were written for volunteer leaders at Trinity Church Mount Barker in 2019. Your documents will look different according to your context, whether leaders are paid or volunteers, and depending on the the shape of your ministries, etc.Area Leader Role Descriptions:Area Leader – Bible Study Groups Area Leader – Music Area Leader – Welcoming Area Leader – Youth Team Leader & Team Member Role Descriptions:Bible Study Group Leader Team Leader – Creche Team Member – YouthTeam Member – WelcomingRole descriptions for 5M Purpose Leaders are also…
5Ms Leadership Role Descriptions One really helpful way for us to care for those who serve in leadership among the Body of Christ, is to have clear expectations and understanding of role boundaries, requirements, and how support will be provided. It’s unkind to ask people to serve in leadership without clarity about what you’re asking them to do, what others are responsible for, and how they will be supported in their ministry! And lack of clarity will lead to confusion, conflict, and frustration.These role descriptions aim to provide clarity for those serving as leaders in a 5Ms ministry model.If your church operates with a Purpose Driven model for ministry (5Ms, or something else) these role descriptions may give you a starting point for recruiting and caring for purpose leaders. These documents were written for volunteer leaders at Trinity Church Mount Barker in 2019. Your documents will look different according to…
Ephesians – First Things First Download PDF “First Things First” – 3 Studies in Ephesians 1, 3 & 5Sample questions from this study:Study 1. Ephesians 1:1 – 231. Someone mentions the word ‘church’ in a conversation. List some of the possibilities of what they could be talking about2. What aspect of God’s work for you do you give thanks for the most?Read Ephesians 1:1 – 233. What works, achievements or blessings are attributed to the different persons of the Trinity? – Father – Son – Spirit4. Can you define any of the “spiritual blessings” in your own words?5. What do we have to do in order to take hold of these blessings of God?6. What do you think are the differences between spiritual blessings and other kinds of blessings?7. What do you think could help you appreciate God’s blessings more fully?8. What stands out most clearly for you in Ephesians…
Nahum – The Lord is Good Download PDF “The Lord is Good” – 3 Studies in the Prophecy of NahumThe reluctant prophet Jonah famously preached to the city of Ninevah, the great city of the Assyrian Empire. In God’s kindness, the people of the city repented and were spared God’s judgment. Many years later, with sin and wickedness having risen again, God’s prophet Nahum speaks of the city’s destruction, and indeed the end of the entire Assyrian empire. Ninevah fell in 612 BC, establishing Nahum’s ministry as taking place some time prior to that date.Nahum’s prophecy, though confronting and graphic, is good news for all who have ever despaired at those who do evil appearing to get away without facing justice.These dreadful words remind us of the terrible consequences of sin, and that God hates sin and longs for justice, even more than we do, for the Lord is good!Sample Questions:Study…
Acts 1 – 8 – “What Kind of Church” Download PDF “What Kind of Church?” 8 Studies in Acts 1 – 8The early chapters of Acts capture the life of the church in its infancy. In its first days, weeks, months and years, the Church of Christ takes its first steps in being Christ’s witnesses “in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). As God’s people learn what obedience to the Great Commission looks like, they also must deal with appointing leaders, facing opposition, overcoming division, and learning what it means for Gentiles to come to Christ alongside Jews.You can preview this study guide below, or see further down the page for a sample study.Click here to download as a PDF.Talk transcripts and recordings for this teaching series are also available. Your browser does not seem to support iframes. Click here to…
4 Comfortable Words Download PDF “4 Comfortable Words” – 4 Studies in Cranmer’s Words of Gospel AssuranceThomas Cranmer was Archbishop of Canterbury during the early tumultuous years of the English Reformation. A brilliant scholar and vastly well-read academic, Cranmer wrote the Book of Common Prayer (first published in 1549 and later revised) to lay down a form for services in churches in England. The BCP is filled with the words of Scripture; The Word of God accounts for more than half of the order for corporate worship.In the communion service, after God’s people have heard the words of assurance reminding them of the forgiveness of sin and rebellion through the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus, four brief passages of comfort and assurance are read out. These words offer comfort, not in the modern sense of ease and relaxation, but by stirring us up to press on in the Christian life, assured…
The Extravagant Promises of God Download PDF 4 Studies in 4 Great PromisesOur God is a God who speaks, and as the Apostle Peter says in chapter 1 of his second letter in the New Testament, “he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature.” (2 Peter 1:4).These 4 studies take us to just four of the extravagant promises of God, though there are many others to which we could turn!“Come near to God and he will come near to you” / James 4:1 – 10“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” / Hebrews 13:5“In all things God works for good” / Romans 8:18 – 30“My God will meet all your needs” / Philippians 4:10 – 20See below for a preview of the study, or further down for a sample from the study guide. Download…
Topical & Thematic Bible Study Guides These Bible study guides on various topics and themes are written for small groups, individuals and 1:1. All are available for free download as PDF files.Some Bible study guides have matching sermon series with audio, video, and transcripts, available here. There are no posts in this query There are no posts in this query The Resurrection – 1 Corinthians 15 – High “I Am” High School Short Studies Imagine a World Without Easter Lessons for New Churches – 2nd Edition 4 Comfortable Words The Extravagant Promises of God