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Author: clayton.fopp

Genesis 23 – 32 – Beginnings

Genesis 23 - 32 Study Guide

Genesis 23 – 32 – Beginnings Download PDF “Beginnings” – 8 Studies in Genesis 23 – 32This study guide also contains brief leaders’ notes for each study.Sample Questions:Genesis 25.  Study 2, A Tale of Nations1. Have you ever received an inheritance?How did you feel when you received it??2. What food would you give almost anything to eat?3. If you have siblings, how would they describe you?Read Genesis 25:1 – 184. Where do God’s promises stand at the time of Abraham’s death?5. What do we see about Israel’s relationship to the other nations of the ancient Near East?Read Genesis 25:19 – 346. Are you aware of any other women in the Bible who are described as unable to have children?  Does their experience create any expectations for you as you read of Rebekah’s children?7.  How is God’s word to Rebekah in verse 23 fulfilled in the incident that follows?8.  Which of…

Genesis 12 – 17 – Beginnings

Genesis 12 - 17 Study Guide

Genesis 12 – 17 – Beginnings Download PDF “Beginnings” – 5 Studies in Genesis 12 – 17This second part of the “Beginnings” study guide picks up the events that drive the rest of the story of the Bible; God’s promises to Abram and his working towards their fulfillment.Sample questions from this study guide:Genesis 12: 1 – 20  Promises, Promises1.   How did you feel when you moved out of home for the first time?2.  Have you ever had a phone call from someone who didn’t identify themselves, but expected you to know who they were?  How did you work out who was calling?3.  When you hear people use the word “blessing” what do you understand them to mean?Read Genesis 12:1 – 204.  Summarise the four promises that God makes to Abram.  How do the promises made to Abram picture a return to the good world of Genesis 1 – 3?6.  How…

Old Testament Bible Study Guides

Old Testament Bible Study Guides These Bible study guides on books of the Old Testament are written for small groups, individuals and 1:1. All are available for free download as PDF files. Some Bible study guides have matching sermon series video, audio and transcripts, available here. Habakkuk – Living by Faith in Difficult Times Isaiah’s Servant Songs Daniel – Whose God is God Nahum – The Lord is Good Genesis 23 – 32 – Beginnings Genesis 12 – 17 – Beginnings Genesis 1 – 11 – Beginnings

Genesis 1 – 11 – Beginnings

Genesis Study Guide

Genesis 1 – 11 – Beginnings Download PDF “Beginnings” – 7 Studies in Genesis 1 – 11This is where the story of the Bible begins! In the opening chapters of Genesis we glimpse God’s intention for humanity, relationships, marriage, work, and much much more! And we learn of the devastating consequences of sin.This study guide includes 7 studies from Genesis 1 – 11.Sample questions from this study guide:Study 7.   Genesis 11:1 – 91.   Are you the sort of person who always finishes every project that you start, or do you tend to leave things half-finished?2.  What do you think this tendency says about you and your personality?!3.  Winston Churchill’s reflections on “the gift of a common tongue” at Harvard University in 1943, “If we are together nothing is impossible…” are applied to any and every human endeavour.  Do you think there is any truth to that statement?Read Genesis 11:1 –…

Galatians – Free at Last

Galatians Free At Last Study Guide

Galatians – Free at Last Download PDF “Free at Last” – 6 Studies in GalatiansSample from this study guide:Faith or Law   Galatians 3:2 – 291. What “rules,” spoken or otherwise, do you see in place in your home, workplace or social circles? How about in churches?2. Think about people you know who aren’t Christians. How do they think they can get (or have got!) into a right relationship with God?3. Do you ever deliberately remind yourself of things you have experienced personally in order to keep believing that something is true?Read Galatians 3:1 – 214. How does Paul describe the relationship between the gospel message, Christian faith and the Holy Spirit?5. What are the Galatian Christians adding to the message of Jesus that they first heard?6. What is Paul hoping the Galatians will realise in verses 1 – 5?7. In what situations, or regarding what issues, do Christians today need…

Colossians – Lord of Creation

Colossians - Study Guide

Colossians – Lord of Creation Download PDF “Lord of Creation” – 3 Studies in ColossiansSample Questions:Study 1   Colossians 1:1 – 141.   If you asked people you know to describe a Christian filled with “spiritual wisdom” (v 9) what would their description include?2.  If you were to define the same spiritually wise Christian based on Colossians 1:1 – 14, how might the picture differ?3.  Based on this section, what do you think living a life “worthy of the Lord” (v 10) looks like today?4.  Reflect on some of your prayers for other Christians.  How do they compare to Paul’s prayers as described in verses 9 – 14?5.  How do you account for whatever differences you identify?6.  We know from Colossians 4:16 that this letter was intended to be an encouragement and exhortation for other Christians besides those in Colossae. What aspects of this opening section of chapter 1 do you find…

Acts 21 – 28 – What Kind of Church?

Acts 21 -28 Study Guide

Acts 21 – 28 – What Kind of Church? Download PDF “What Kind of Church?” – 7 StudiesThese 7 studies in the last chapters of Acts conclude the story of the spreading flame of the gospel that Luke records.This study guide also includes brief leaders’ notes for each study, including highlighting key verses.Sample from this study guide:Leader’s Notes for Study 5:  Paul’s Defence.  Acts 26:1 – 32Key Verse:  26:22 – 23   “I am saying nothing beyond what the prophets and Moses said would happen — 23 that the Messiah would suffer and, as the first to rise from the dead, would bring the message of light to his own people and to the Gentiles.” (NIV)Points to note:Yet again the resurrection features prominently in both Paul’s defence and the opposition to his message! (v 8, v 23 – 24, etc).This is the 3rd time Luke records the story of Paul’s conversion.Paul…

1 John – Life in the Light

1 John Study Guide

1 John – Life in the Light Download PDF “Life in the Light” – 5 Studies in 1 JohnSample Questions:Study 4          1 John 4:1 – 61.   How would you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is extremely gullible and 10 is intensely cynical?2.  Have you ever found yourself conned by someone else?How did it make you feel?In the long-run, did it matter?3.  What are some of the ideas about Jesus’ identity and mission held by people you know?Read 1 John 4:1 – 64.  How are John’s readers to know whether those claiming to be prophets (v 1) speak for God or not?5.  What does it mean to acknowledge “that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh”?See Mark 5:1 – 7 for an episode that might shape your understanding.6.  How does what we’ve seen so far in 1 John about the outworking…

2 Peter – A Certain Faith

Study Guide

2 Peter – A Certain Faith Download PDF “A Certain Faith” – 3 studies in 2 PeterSample Questions:2 Peter 2  –  On Guard!1.   When do you feel the most free?2.  When have you encountered a false message about Jesus or Christianity?At what points did that message diverge from the truth?Read 2 Peter 2:1  – 223.    Why does Peter go back into Israel’s history to speak about the false teachers in the nation’s past?4.   If the condemnation and destruction (v 3) facing those who teach falsehood is so certain, why do so many people follow them?5.   What seems to be the pattern of the false teachers in spreading their message?6.   Does the delay in God’s judging of sin and falsehood suggest that God is unkind or uncaring towards those who might be led astray?Click the download button above to download this PDF document for free.

New Testament Bible Study Guides

New Testament Bible Study Guides These Bible study guides on various books of the New Testament are written for small groups, individuals and 1:1. All are available for free download as PDF files. Some Bible study guides have matching sermons available here to listen to, watch, and read. The Resurrection – 1 Corinthians 15 – High School Short “I Am” High School Short Studies James – Youth Group Program James – Youth Bible Studies Philippians – The Cross-Shaped Life John 9 – 12 Encountering the Word John 6 – 8 Encountering the Word John 1 – 5 Encountering the Word Hebrews 1 – 6 Through His Son Ephesians – First Things First Acts 1 – 8 What Kind of Church? Galatians – Free at Last Colossians – Lord of Creation Acts 21 – 28 – What Kind of Church? 1 John – Life in the Light 2 Peter – A…